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Old 10-03-2009, 11:42 AM   #260 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
what. do. you. mean?
Stop.? Posting.?
Either. you. use. too. many. periods. or. you. like. sentence. fragments.
See I'd totally feel rebuffed if you'd actually said anything of value. Hell if you ever did that I may not have told you to stop posting.

Originally Posted by PinkCigarette View Post
Why does it really matter if someone else takes it literally? Who cares? Just believe what you believe and let others believe what they want to believe. It's not hurting you. I think the bibe is a joke but I'm not going to take a piss on anyone who follows it and takes it seriously. I just couldn't be arsed to care what someone else chooses to believe. It's their life, not mine. I am more concerned about myself.
People who take the Bible too literally do dumb stuff such as:
Use it to justify homophobia.
Attempt to use it to justify absolute banning of abortions (including those that would put the mothers health at risk).
Used it to justify stuff like manifest destiny.
Use it to justify outlawing condoms (hello AIDs, my name is Africa).

Do these things hurt me personally? No. But I also accept that I'm not the only person on the world worth considering.

Vita brevis,
Occasio praeceps
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