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Old 10-02-2009, 11:13 PM   #1 (permalink)
Arya Stark
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I've met so many types of believers, though.

I've met those who just need something to believe in, those who strongly believe in God, those who were brought up to believe in God, those who believe in him for the fear OF him... etc.

Each of them reacts a different way.

As for Athiests, there are those who don't believe in God so that they can fit in, those who don't believe in God because they were brought up not to believe in God, those who don't believe in God because of some sort of experience... etc.

Each of them reacts differentl as well.
Almost contradicting my previous post, I've met a lot more Atheists who are willing to hold back their beliefs than believers.
Originally Posted by Sansa Stark View Post
I'm down with Jesus, in that case.

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