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Old 10-01-2009, 07:55 PM   #47 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Maggie's farm
Posts: 56

Originally Posted by storymilo View Post
I think collecting vinyl can be an interesting and rewarding hobby. However the thing that pisses me off is when people have massive collections of vinyl and never listens to it. For instance I recently discovered that my friend's dad, who I have never once had a conversation about music with, or heard him mention music of any sort, has a huge collection of vinyl records. But he never seems to listen to it.

I can understand if you happen to have a mint condition, deluxe edition of Thriller or something and you want to keep it pristine. But Not having mounds of LP's that you never touch except to sort, stack, and collect.
eh...this doesn't seem so blasphemous to me. I have a couple hundred records, and I keep them in very specific order. It's more convenient for me to listen to mp3s, and I don't like moving around my records, lest they get of order; kind of OCD about that. Don't get me wrong, I love listening to records, and do relatively frequently, but I can see how it could be easy to just keep them as decorations.
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