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Old 09-30-2009, 04:11 PM   #241 (permalink)
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I could totally agree with that, there's more logic behind science than religion. I just can't figure out why people still believe what's written in the bible. Even when i was 12 and we were reading passages from it in school i could pick out things that i knew weren't scientifically or logically possible, such as a person concieving without actually having sex which is biologically impossible. As for the whole loaves and fishes story i've heard better fairy tales. There's tons of stuff in the bible that just make me laugh with disbelief.

You made a good point there about earth's distance to the sun and it's ability to maintain life. I firmly believe we're not alone in this universe. There has to be more planets out there that are like earth, and are the same distance from the sun in it's solar system, that can sustain life. Whether the lifeforms on those planets are anyway like the lifeforms here though is a mystery.
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