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Old 09-29-2009, 05:10 PM   #198 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Posts: 1,367

Anticipation Solid dude, posts all the philly bands and its cool to talk to someone who knows about all the local bands in baltimore haha.

Captain Caveman I always dig you

Cassius barely posts anymore but i value you

xxcult_classicxx Francis, I heart you. dude I've talked to the most off of musicbanter on like soulseek and stuff

Can_I_Say sweet poster

SwimCool Chick

Urban Hatemonger Closes all the cool threads

sleepy jack respectable man

Loose Lips This dude lives like 15 minutes away from me and is an awesome guy, great taste and everythang.

Alfred I always like when he posts. has a cool taste in music

Dr. Suessecide I love this guy, a newcomer who knows about good music.

Jackhammer I see him post sometimes and hes cool

beatyrownkid I miss this dude. He lives in baltimore now. I talk to him once in a blue moon on aim. Hes into a lot of noise and **** now.
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