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Old 09-28-2009, 04:24 PM   #50 (permalink)
Inuzuka Skysword
Existential Egoist
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Pennsylvania
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Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post
There was no reason for me to change my attitude. It happened within an instant. I didn't want to change my ways but that day I realised I needed to from the overwhelming feeling I've got.
There were reasons to change your attitude. Looking back on the event you say it was better for you to change it. There is a reason to change your attitude. Whether you recognized it or not at the time has nothing to do with its actual existence.

Because unless you feel God's touch, you won't understand, and you've just confirmed that.
I won't understand. Kind of like how you will never understand my garden gnome god who actually killed yours 10,000 years ago. You will never be able to understand so don't even try arguing against him. He exists, but I have no way of explaining that to you. So, I guess you will suffer from his divine wrath.

I give God credit for providing the opportunity for me to be successful and make the most of the opportunities he provides. I have perfectly good self esteem thank you. Selfish happiness doesn't necessarily mean you are going to devote your self to others and live beyond your own wants and needs.
You do not have perfectly good self-esteem if you need someone else to control your actions. You view God's will above your own. God, a being you can't prove exists, could tell you to kill millions of innocent children. However terrifying that sounds, you must comply because his will comes before your own. That is your morality. God says so.

Also, for the record there is no such thing as selfless happiness and I fully endorse selfishness.
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