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Old 09-27-2009, 10:38 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
I never wrote solipsism was a humorous pondering so then you're defending something that didn't come up. I do think the pursuit of solipsisistic ideas are futile because you'll never know and I think it's ridiculously egocentric. As for what TyrantSong actually mentioned, I think the idea that belief shapes "the real" reality to be humorous partly because it's so popular in fiction (many roleplaying games, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett f.ex) - which is why I referred to a game in the first place .. it being a genuine hypothesis or not has with philosophers in any age or time has little bearing on that.
I just felt that by associating the idea that maybe we're aliens and are dreaming of a human reality with whatever nonsense the OP was postulating you were trivializing the subjectivity of life. I believe that solipsism is a valid and worthwhile ideology, so I was merely trying to defend it. Seems like a difference of beliefs and interpretation on my part, no harm done.
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