Originally Posted by anticipation
sounds like solipsism to me, i was just saying that these concepts aren't necessarily humorous ponderings just because sci-fi writers explore them.
Solipsism speculates that since every experience is subjective, the only thing one can be somewhat certain of is the self. From that you could get ideas like maybe reality is something you are creating in your mind and I and everything else are just figments of your imagination.
Those topics didn't come up in either of our posts so I thought your reply somewhat irrelevant and misguided.
I never wrote solipsism was a humorous pondering so then you're defending something that didn't come up. I do think the pursuit of solipsisistic ideas are futile because you'll never know and I think it's ridiculously egocentric. As for what TyrantSong actually mentioned, I think the idea that belief shapes "the real" reality to be humorous partly
because it's so popular in fiction (many roleplaying games, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett f.ex) - which is why I referred to a game in the first place .. it being a genuine hypothesis or not has with philosophers in any age or time has little bearing on that.