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Old 05-30-2005, 04:29 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss
man, i knew i was so right about you, nobody has such a bad opinion about themselves on their own...and i thought about saying that you have a sister who's perfect because that's such a classic ...i'll never understand how people can be so cruel to insult you to your face...i've never had that problem myself, but i would like to think i would just feel sad about that person...being your sister or someone else, i'm a christian so ...i feel sad about mean people, we're all going to die one day, and those kind of people never think about what's going to happen to them after..i do...
yeah when i was a little kid i didnt pay any attention to my appearance or my intelligence. now those are the main things that bring me down. i dont know how my sister got the way she is. we used to be really close. i think ever since she started caring about her looks and the guys starting paying more attention to her, she just got a humungous ego and felt like she was the big cheese. shes one of those preppy white chicks who insult all the girls. and that definetely is not good for my self esteem. and seeing as how im a teenager with a screwed up brain every time i would get into fights with her i would get really stressed out and do/say things i regret later. everybody knows that she treats me like crap and they all feel sorry for me. i cant even pick out 5 good things about myself, thats how bad it is. it really sucks and i hate it. but, whatever, its a part of life i guess. every teenager goes through it at some time or another. you know, those raging hormones.
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