Originally Posted by adidasss
bullied , picked on ,tomate-o, tomato...so i was right? i knew i was i good judge of character...  i'm guessing you get picked on because you don't fight back, my suggestion to you is to fight back, even if it means being a bitch...
well when i was in public school the guys would always pick on me. i remember this one time my ex best friends boyfriend said "i would never date you cuz you have things all over your face" meaning acne. it was really bad in grade 7 but its a little better now. even though that kid was a fat idiot it still hurt. and my sis is constantly calling me fat or ugly or stupid. and i dont really fight back cuz shes not any of those things. shes a thin pretty little girl. and yeah im a little jealous of that. she gets all the attention from guys and kevin has an ego bigger than his head so he wont even look at me. oy. story of my life i guess.