Originally Posted by Liljagare
"Dr. Zhivago" and "Mildred Pierce". There aren't that many films I can watch over and over again without getting bored but for some reason..I can with these two  .
Also "Apocalypse Now: Redux" because it is a masterpiece of a film, plain and simple.
Oh yes. Dr. Zhivago is one of the greats and one of my favorites, obviously (look at the tag line under my name). There are so many great scenes in this movie but my favorite part is after Lara and Yuri had been working together all that time in the house they they had made into a hospital and she had to leave him finally and it absolutely ripped his soul out.
I also like the wicked good scene when that pig, Viktor Komarovsky, and Lara get into it
Komarovsky -
There are two kinds of men and only two. And that young man is one kind. He is high-minded. He is pure. He's the kind of man the world pretends to look up to, and in fact despises. He is the kind of man who breeds unhappiness, particularly in women. Do you understand?
Lara -
Komarovsky -
I think you do. There's another kind. Not high-minded, not pure, but alive. Now, that your tastes at this time should incline towards the juvenile is understandable; but for you to marry that boy would be a disaster. Because there's two kinds of women. There are two kinds of women and you, as we well know, are not the first kind. You, my dear, are a slut.
what a scene