Some great insights again from the main man.
a few more adjusted from me and a few I haven't mentioned.
Urban Hatemonger
I hate it when the guy is away. I always think that he sparks the forum with a mere paragraph more than most of us can in 20 posts. I find him very elitist but I can forgive him through his knowledge and love of music. I do think that he should be more honest with himself and shove aside his dislike of many forms of music sometimes and admit his guilty pleasures or be more tolerant of others taste in music sometimes instead of making barbed comments. As a music aficianado I do think he has no equal on here and can talk the talk and walk the walk.
Loose lips Sink ships
It's your time! A great taste in music and not just because we share similar tastes regarding guitar based music but he is far too nice, shy and not forceful enough. His conviction in his tastes should be braver and that will lead to more kudos across the boards.
Why do you make such uneccessary comments sometimes? You have a sound musical base that is more eclectic than people think and you have the knowledge and intelligence to back it up. A much understood member that should post more.
Barnard 17:
Apart from admitting that queen latifah would chew you up and spit you out you are a very intelligent guy who if only put as much effort in music discussion as you do regarding Lounge posts then you could be a very respected member of the forums. Rarely have I found such a young guy with impeccable debating qualities. Such a shame it's frivolously wasted in the lounge.
Once again she has thrown a curveball into the equation with her new journal. I can't quite grasp the fact that she has worked in journalism yet her punctuation and spelling is terrible! Disregarding the fact that I find we have nothing in common I think she is the most misunderstood on the boards and posts from the heart before the head has engaged which gives a false impression of her. The boards would not be the same without her and I do think she has wit and style.
He's a typical Northern guy with a chip on his shoulders but that doesn't lessen my opinion of him at all. Possessed of the sharpest wit near Urbans, he is steadfast in a role that he obviously doesn't enjoy anymore but still carries out with aplomb. I get the feeling that he is a damn good father, a good friend but with a seething anger underneath that really wants to spew vitriol upon many of the dumb asses we get on here. We have barely nothing in common musically but I have a lot of time for him and quite honestly think he's the business.
More to come
I love the fact that this guy will listen to any sort of music that comes his way but I do think that he should step back and enjoy the music he has heard instead of trying to please all of the people all of the time. Enjoy music for yourself and not for others.
I feel that she is sometimes far too nice for her own good and judging by a few posts I sense an acerbic wit dying to come forth. Very knowledgeable about the music she likes and backs her arguments up well. An unsung heroine on the boards I think and Yes; I do think she is damn cute and admit to fancying her.
Flower Child:
She is young and good looking; yes but she also has a singular mind that has shone through in her journal. Remarkably mature for her age and blessed with an intrinsic understanding of the emotional properties of music I love reading her posts whether I like the music or not as it's always honestly written.
A friend outside of the boards, Bulldog is the quintessential Englishman-polite, respectful and intelligent yet I still want to see his dark side. Loves his music as much as anyone on the boards.
Does this guy know his stuff or what? Impeccable tastes and even if not shared I love his posts and his passion for music. I feel that his musical upbringing was similar to mine but I feel that he tries to bury it sometimes. I know he likes some cheesy crap so just admit it!
Unsure what to make of him at first as he seemed like a guy who just loved metal but has come back with more confidence and open mind. he seems like the sort of guy I could have a drink with easily and enjoy his company. One of my favourite members with no hidden agendas.
Brains and beauty? A lethal combination in some people but not Kate. As Urban stated she is sometimes TOO nice but that doesn't detract from the person she is. Seems to suffer from a lack of self esteem which is perplexing at times but I have a lot of time for Kate and admire her honesty and intelligence.
I consider these two one and the same. We have so much in common and members that I would love to meet outside of the board. Brilliantly eclectic musical tastes and knowledge, coupled with barbed wit that I love reading.
“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”