Originally Posted by right-track
The Near Misses list is far more impressive than The Good list.
You should be ashamed of yourself. 
Even worse, I have pretty rubbish excuses for not seeing them either

Of the ones I remember particularly fondly, I only still listen to 5 or 6 of them these days. Everyone needs to go to a Madness or Hives gig at least once in their lives. Most of them were just good fun in the live environment - stuff like Art Brut, the Thrills and the Metros put on a good show, but I wouldn't be caught dead with an album of theirs.
Longview just bored the crap out of me, but looking back the Polyphonic Spree weren't actually as bad as the others. Just not really my kinda thing.
And, as I think I've said before, if you ever want to crush a man's will to live, take him a to Wombats gig.