You evidently haven't been following the thread from the beginning, mate.
I said what matters most, is the honesty in the music.
I could care less if a singer can't sing 100% all the time, because a guitarist isn't going to hit every correct note,
playing show, after show, after show.
Music is becoming more of a business, and less of an art.
And I'm not in the business of enhancement at the cost of deceit.
If I can't hire enough musicians to play all the extra effects, strings, and all the symphony crap in the background of my
studio song, I'm not going to record it.
Because, if I MYSELF couldn't play it the same way live, I wouldn't do it.
But that's just me.
Autotune can be used to help someone achieve perfection; true statement.
Is this a bad thing in the studio? Definately not.
The question is, can they achieve it without it?
If they can't achieve it, tune them, and fix the problem.
Let's make it easier for talentless people to hit mainstream.
Because, God forbid, we don't need any real singers giving it their all on an album.
Why bother when they can just fix it in the studio, right?
Let's make the job they have even easier, so they can make millions off us without even putting in a lot of effort.
If they can't achieve it without aid, then its not worth my time.
If you don't care, good for you.
Case closed.
Originally Posted by RezZ
I think I know much better than you ever will how Mettalica is. I used to play for 2 years in a Mettalica cover band.
Last edited by Ace; 09-24-2009 at 07:51 PM.