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Old 09-24-2009, 11:14 AM   #163 (permalink)
Melancholia Eternally
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Originally Posted by Bulldog View Post
Molecules: He's having some connection problems at the minute, which explains his absence for now, but I'll never get why he feels the need to keep his head low these days as he's much more popular and liked here than I think he realises.

Mojopinuk: Another person I have a lot of time for. We don't share a lot in musical taste, but the common ground we lack there is more than made up for by good old-fashioned football! Plus I get the feeling we listened to a lot of the same music as teenagers, a lot of which I've drifted away from since but I still do appreciate. Another one of my favourite members then.
Yeah I think we did listen to a lot of the same stuff when we were younger, mainly your more mainstream garage stuff that the NME were masturbating over around 2000/2001. I've moved on from a lot of it myself too but some of its still good to throw on every now and then.

I wouldn't say our tastes are all THAT different, metal aside maybe. You probably find with most of what you listen to that I either like it or simply haven't heard before.

Molecules needs to start to post more again, thats for sure.

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