Autotune could be useful to correct slight pitch problems in vocals, but if used in the long run, I think it could be devasting to the core
of what music really is.
Music, for me, is an area where honesty should be expressed through both the artistic and personal sides of the band in question.
I'm just someone who personally prefers an open and honest song, rather than one that has been engineered to perfection in the studio.
Technically speaking, with autotune, anyone could be a great singer.
If all you had to do was correct the notes you messed up on, you could pretty much fake anything you wanted to, and get away with it.
When it comes down to it, a singer is judged by their live perfomance, as far as I'm concerned. If they can't sing live, they can't sing at all.
You can make it pretty in the studio all you want to, but at the end of the day, you're only as good as you really are.
I would rather listen to an artist give his passion to a song, than hear a computer generated, robotic quality in the vocal.
I'm not going to define meaningful music, because that is subjective.
But to me, music would be meaningless, if you had the means to transform it into something its not.
I would rather my music be real, than something created by a program in a studio.
Edit: In response to the synthesizer point....
That is something that is used to enhance or alter the sound of an instrument. You can make the argument that autotune does the same thing for vocals, but I hope I'm about to stiffle that.
Technically speaking, you still have to be able to PLAY that instrument, in order for the synthesizer to work..
With autotune, you don't have to technically be able to sing well.
You can just sing, and autotune will do the work for you.
Nothing has been invented yet that will make your fingers move to the appropriate frets on a guitar, so that you play all the right notes.
That is the big difference. I think the question you should ask now, is "what defines a great singer".
Originally Posted by RezZ
I think I know much better than you ever will how Mettalica is. I used to play for 2 years in a Mettalica cover band.
Last edited by Ace; 09-23-2009 at 08:04 PM.