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Thread: Auto-Tune Abuse
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Old 09-23-2009, 06:36 PM   #3 (permalink)
Ad Astra
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Originally Posted by LoathsomePete View Post
I can understand and appreciate it's use in small doses, but an abuse of it is truly annoying. Recording an album is an everlasting thing, as long as there is a means to play the album, it will always remain the same (unless physically damaged). With this permanence I can understand an artist's desire to make it as perfect as they can, and if that includes fixing a few places in their audio recording where they go out of tune then so be it. This argument is very similar to the one about overdubbing on instruments, specifically guitars. Some artists like Billy Corgan love this method of recording to death (for instance the song "Soma" contains 42 overdubs) however my opinion is if they can't replicate it live then it's all for not.


I guess I could understand and be okay with it in a studio environment, especially when trying to make sure everything was as perfect as possible.
But I couldn't condone its use if the artist couldn't naturally reach that peak, unaided, and in a live performance.

If a singer can't replicate the performance without the aid of auto-tune, then its nothing but garbage.
If you know the artist is capable of performing the vocal the same way, I could potentially justify the use of autotune to correct pitch in records.
Especially if there isn't much time to record the vocals.

I wonder which bands use autotune live....I already know quite a few that use it in the studio, a few of which, really surprised me.

Originally Posted by RezZ View Post
I think I know much better than you ever will how Mettalica is. I used to play for 2 years in a Mettalica cover band.

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