Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Where people kill 30 million pigs per year
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"PATH" lyrics
Hello MB songwriting section perusers,
Rather than give an introduction before presenting my new song as I usually do, I will give my main commentary afterwards. I think of "Path" as a neo-Folk children's song that aims to reach adults as well as children (kind of like "Puff the Magic Dragon").
"Path" by Erica
A little child sat down by her father.
A question was troubling her:
“If I were different, would he still love me?”
So she asked to be sure.
Daddy, Daddy, what if I were adopted?
Would you still love me? Would it change your view?
No, no, the dad assured her, it wouldn’t.
I will always love you.
Daddy, Daddy, I don’t know how to read yet.
What if that's something I never learn to do?
And he answered, oh don’t you worry, Honey.
I will always love you.
Daddy, Daddy, what if my hair were shorter
and grew everywhere on me like beards grow on you?
If I were hairy all over, would you love me?
Yes, the dad smiled, I’d love you.
What could be in her thoughts?
What is this strange game she plays?
Asking questions, answers sought.
Who is she, who is she not?
And the path goes on and on...
Daddy, Daddy, what if I couldn’t pass
any classes in a school you sent me to?
If I weren’t so smart would you still love me?
He nodded. Yes, I’d always love you.
Daddy, Daddy, what if I had no hands
and they became hooves cloven in two?
If I couldn’t draw you pictures would you love me?
Yes, he said, I'll always love you.
Daddy, Daddy, what if my arms were legs
and I had four of them instead of just two?
I’m afraid maybe then you wouldn’t love me.
He chuckled, I will always love you.
What could be on her mind,
taking piece by piece away?
Add, subtract...what’s left behind?
Who will stay? Who will you find?
And the path goes on and on...
Daddy, Daddy, what if I had a tail
and my eyes were big and brown instead of light blue?
Would you still love me as much as you do now?
The dad laughed: I’ll always love you.
Oh Daddy, Daddy, what if I knew no words?
Would you still love me if I couldn’t talk with you?
The dad replied, I’d still know that you feel, Sweetie.
I would always love you.
A little child sat by a father.
Her fur was short and brown, her eyes brown, too.
She had four legs and a loving disposition
and when she looked up all she said was, “Moo.”
Oh child, child, little child,
oh child, little child, you got through.
Oh child, child, loving child,
I will always love you.
Oh child, child, little child,
oh child, little child, you got through.
Oh child, child, loving child,
I will always love you.
And here's my commentary:
As you see, I'm back to creating "vegangelica" (vegan songs that proselytize), but here I was trying to be sensitive to The Unfan's complaint that my songs are usually so stridently, obviously activist (which they are).
In "Path" I was trying to be subtle. I wanted to leave the reader wondering for just a couple stanzas at least what the point of the song was going to be, which probably becomes obvious halfway through. The meaning of the song is the same as in "Dichotomy," the first one I posted in my thread: both songs try to get people to question the separation they perceive or imagine between "animals" and "humans."
AwwSugar--I have not forgotten your comment (in your previous post)...and just in case you missed it, I explained my (not very funny) joke in a visitor message on your profile. Party on! <3
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"