Originally Posted by Neapolitan
If one believe 2+2=4,
one is not self-damning and ignorant because someone else believes 2+2=5.
If there are two statements that a claimed to be true but contradict each other, one has to be false.
You do realize that I wasn't creating a Boolean variable in my statement, right?
I'm talking about the dynamic between different doctrines, not the question of the existence of a god (in the sense of being the creator of existence) as being true/false.
You can certainly make a statement that one, or all, religious doctrines are wrong... or right.. Or just plain irrelevant. That part has nothing to do with a logical argument, and everything to do with a belief.
The point I was trying to make is that if you have a number of beliefs that in some ways contradict each other, the fallacy is that assuming that one MUST be correct/incorrect in comparison to the others, when in fact, one does not, due to the infinite possible variables between them.
The existence of a creator in no way relies on the accuracy of a doctrine.