Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
^Yeah, people can be really cruel, but if the situation was the other way around, they'd treat it completely differently. Its always different if it involves someone you love, rules can always change.
Hmm, ok Im gonna stop getting all serious and emotional now... Sorry bout this girl though, I hope things sort out for you all.. Drugs can be a bitch. Ive lost people to drugs, but Ive also seen people live through all of it, so there's always hope... You just gotta stick with her.
*Ahem* Sorry, I dont mean to get all serious, I tend to get everyone all depressed when I do...
well it's a serious thread and a serious matter, and thanks for sentiment...i really hope she pulls through, so i can slap the sh.it out of her for being so stupid...
i've tried explaining it to my family, but it's like talking to a wall, and they pretend to be christians and go to church...whilst compassion and care for others is one of the fundamental messages of christianity...
there was an even worse situation a couple of years ago when my sister's friend died...5 days after her funeral they were starting to get annoyed that my sister was spending so much time with her friends family, when all she wanted to do was help them get through it, to be with them in their time of need, to ease their pain...they didn't get it and still don't...it made me so sad...