333 - This girl is awesome. We share a few common interests (i.e. Tool, Bill Hicks) and she just has wickedly funky personality and is very funny/ witty.
jackhammer - Probably one of the most valuable members of this site! Very friendly and generous, and also very sensitive.
Freebase Dali - Okay so back in the Veridical Fiction days I can't say my first impression was that great, but now I just find myself very much enjoying Freebase's posts - he's very funny and truthful in an often hilarious way. Plus he's very talented when it comes to music.
dac - R.I.P, dac. He was a sweet guy who loved Radiohead. (lol)
FaSho - I love FaSho, I can't believe his maturity and music tastes for his age! A very cool kid. He also seems like he'd be a very sweet-natured and friendly person.
Conan - Intelligent, clever, talented (creates some funky beats!) and seems to be a very calm and collected person when it comes to posting. I also loved the MB gazette, kudos!
wolverinewolfweiselpidgeon - Another awesome, awesome chick. She is also hilarious and makes me lol regularly.
Flower Child - I'll never forget the day we found friendship in our mutual hatred towards Two and a Half Men and Nicolas Cage. Also her journal is great!
Bulldog - Very open-minded and knowledgeable when it comes to music, although we haven't really conversed that much he's provided me with some awesome links and always has great recommendations.
boo boo - I still think boobs is a great poster (despite going crazy and banning me at some point) but think he gets a little too heated sometimes. But I still like him.
savanna - My first impressions of savanna weren't great, I think I thought she was a mindless bimbo or something. But now I kind-of enjoy her posts and she makes me laugh.
right-track - Very friendly and helpful; a great mod!
khfreek - He's pretty cool, I enjoy the conversations we've had and he likes Muse! Oh, but he loses points for calling me a midget.
Okay, I'll think of more later...
I find it amusing that we can all come up with this somewhat profound insights about each other yet most of us are just a username to one another.