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Old 09-20-2009, 02:16 PM   #2820 (permalink)
Duke Of Slander
Slanderous Duke
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 87

1. What musical artist best sums up your personality?
At the moment I couldn't tell you, but someone lighthearted filled with deep introspective thinking with an elegant and benevolent demeanor. You tell me who that is.

2. If you had the opportunity to do so would you sleep with a member of the same sex?
Well seeing as I am a homo... Though I'm probably a freak in that I don't like sex at all.

3. What is your party trick?
Bar tending and putting people at ease. Oh and getting people to dance.

4. Who have you lied to recently and why?
Seeing as I'm a compulsive liar, I told my mom I got my new washer and dryer set up, though its just sitting in the garage until my roommates and I get on the same schedule.

5. Do you believe in monogamy?
I believe in it, though I know most people don't follow it.

6. What do you dislike most about the opposite sex?
Their predictability and not shutting the **** up.
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