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Old 05-29-2005, 02:00 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Your Impressions

ok, i've been on this forum for a month and a half now, and i just wanted to state my opinions of people, my impression of your personas ( they're built mainly on the pictures i saw of you and some conversations, i'm mentioning only people that i have a specific mental image of, i'm leaving out the likes of hookers, thebig3, AITA, imonlydancing and others i still haven't "gotten" )

Stu - intelligent, a bit asocial, and introverted in real life?probably does good at school

Tommy - smart ,a contradiction, according to his pete docherty picture i had him pegged as a punk twat, but seeming as how he listens to the likes of coldplay and keane, i'd say he's also sensitive and outgoing at the same time

Blacktshirt - judging by her background ( both parents doctors ) you would say she was a polite straight A's student... not! very intelligent and a future man eater, funny too...

Urban - one of those freaky fellas that keeps to himself and doesn't have many friends

Fenixpunk - intelligent punk/rock dad, with a rich social life

Sweet Jane - intelligent, independent woman, has tons of friends

Angie - typical american girly girl, probably popular

Riseagainstrocks- intelligent,reclusive?

Kurt cobain - another contradiction, a martial arts teacher and thus you'd think macho ( machos are conservative ), but has a tone of g4y friends, which means he's liberal...a stand up regular guy?

snickers - judging by him playing tennis, i'd say rich, probably has an older sister...

Josephine - energetic, outspoken

Satchmo- i had him down as a 30 year old, but now i see he's just out from college, confusing

Slayereyals - dark, weirdo...columbine?

Dirkmcdirt-a white woman from Latvia?

Soundgardener- smart, cool, laid back

ok, now i want your impressions of me and others ( in our private life away from BM )...i'll correct you later...
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