Adidass' sense of self-preservation in using MB as a place for being honest about himself when he doesn’t feel able to be so honest with his parents (I admire people who find what they need to feel fulfilled);
AwwSugar's playfulness (because she really truly loves me!

Barndard17's ability to construct arguments (I enjoy seeing anyone debate with Freebase Dali)
Crowe's poetic soul (I see a kindred "spirit");
Flowerchild's appreciation of music whether or not it is popular (John Denver) (I admire those who think for themselves);
Freebase Dali's arched eyebrows (of course) with a close second being his appreciation of his uber-babe's ability to write his papers for him by using sequences of extremely large paragraphs (I love his musical mind and so will find anything else available to compliment, even eyebrows...which are nice, really....I'm not just making that up);
Jackhammer's parenting skills, since he seems like such a nice and cool dad (parenting is tough sometimes and I admire grace under pressure);
JayJamJah's excellent reasoning ability (I like it when people are not afraid to argue rationally about what it important to them);
Kayleigh's long ice-blond, straight hair (I feel she appreciates her unique--to me--appearance);
Lateralus's devotion to teaching children by using patience and compassion (we need all the good teachers we can get);
Neapolitan's sense of Monty Python humor (I love it when people are willing to be playful and he is, I feel, very clever at doing so);
Nicktarist's wisdom in acknowledging when he's wrong (this is a quality I admire the most in people);
Unfan's sense of irony (he seems to wrestle with frustration but at least is trying to express it rather than keep it in);
Rainfall's ability to state his mind (though new to MB he dove right in, unafraid);
Savannah's fashion sense (that cool puffy green golf dress!) but perhaps her ability to stir others' chili should be first...they are rival qualities (both make me smile);
Schizotypic's honesty about problems he is overcoming (true honesty about one's fragility seems rare, yet is a sign of great strength);
Shiv's friendliness (he calls me dude!);
Stone Bird's initiative in finding connection through MB to the musical world outside Nebraska (I know it can be hard to feel isolated);
Toretorden's scientific brain and his ability to explain science concepts calmly to the naive (I admire science the most of all human pursuits);
Terrible Lizard's innate sense for what makes the cutest (and ugliest) avatar (I love his avatar, in case no one has noticed);
VeggieLover's willingness to question assumptions (she knows her mind and is willing to state it, even if it goes against what others feel is true);
Wolverinewolfweiselpigeon's bravery in posting poetry on a wide range of personal topics (her dream about the shadows of leaves sticks in my mind);
333's sassy, joking nature (her comments in people's visitor sections amuse me greatly).