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Old 09-11-2009, 05:16 PM   #64 (permalink)
Registered Jimmy Rustler
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Originally Posted by The Boy View Post
I personally do not want the vaccine nor do I intend to be inoculated. I believe this pandemic is false and propaganda is being created in the media to deceive the public in to following government orders like the good little trainer sheep we are. I will not be surprised if the supposed vaccine is more harmful than the supposed swine flu or H1N1 virus. We have been told that this virus contained the genetic elements of four viruses, (I suppose they want to be absolutely sure we'll suffer and/or die from it or fear this strain of flu, but I'm ahead of myself) including North American Mexican Influenza, North American avian influenza, human influenza, and swine influence typical in Europe and Asia. Is it just me or does this mixture sound like some dangerous laboratory concoction/experiment? Real or not sounds quite DEADLY huh? Or they would like you to believe it is, or that it even exists. Now let's consider what the "vaccine" contains squalene and thimerosal (mercury). As you should know, mercury is poison (Mercury Spills) which can cause various health problems. On the other hand, you may not be familiar with squalene. The FDA has never approved of general use of any vaccine containing squalene (Olive Oil may be a harmful choice for injectable solution -, so why now? Squalene injected into the bloodstream can be extremely harmful (READ PREVIOUS LINK!). Also, do yourself a favor and read up on the original outbreak of swine flu in 1976 and the dangerous results caused by the vaccination.

What you should know is that both the H1N1 virus and the "vaccine" are highly dangerous, so if you fear becoming sick DO NOT RECIEVE THIS VACCINE. Instead take vitamins, eat healthy, keep your immune system up, use Clorox alcohol wipes to sanitize areas and objects so that they are germ free. Do keep in mind the flu and countless other diseases kill and debilitate people each year, so what's so special about this bull****. And the rush to create a vaccine. Why don't they rush and release the cures for cancer and HIV/AIDS. Yes, I'm pretty damn sure they have already discovered those but, why give a cure when the government can reap the benefit of millions of dollars gained each year through the sale of drugs and treatments for those inflicted with illnesses, as well as money donated through benefits for finding a cure. How is that money really used?

Now let's consider the initial reporting on the virus. We were told quite early on that this virus would be most contagious amongst young people, the future of our world. This fact is highly telling considering that young people will want the vaccine as to avoid catching the virus from those they associate with, whether that be in school, at work, or public gathering places frequented by them (clubs, bars, clothing stores, coffee shops, etc.) There also been suggestion that parents must not allow their children to go to school if they are not vaccinated. However, the vaccine may very well be more deadly that the supposed virus. Which means millions of young people will be poisoned from this outrageous concoction the government/CDC are passing off as a vaccine.

To make my final statement, if you didn't already know, we are at the end of times. We have entered the time of revelation in reference to biblical prophecy. Please consider what I have to say. We are coming to the end, and it will not be pretty. There is not going to be that lovely and quite novel idea of the entire earth being destroyed by a giant asteroid and earth blown to bits. These are lies feed to us so that we suspect the end as something coming from a distant in outer space rather than by the mind and hands of man. There will not be some wham-bam destruction of the earth at a single, anonymous moment. That is much too simple and "painless". We will endure much pain and suffering in these final days. Many will go blindly into this path as they have been corrupted, controlled, and conditioned through the lies and deception of the government, the media, and the entertainment industry. I am referring exclusively to the USA but the world has been deceived and manipulated. EVERYONE MUST WAKE UP! We've been asleep for too long and unfortunately most people will not realize what has happed until it is too late, however it is already too late.

Now, if you don't believe the end is coming, consider global warming, the melting ice caps, rising sea levels, enormous amount of hurricanes each year, the death of the honeybees and bats? The end is near! Peace and love to everyone.

“H1N1 Vaccine Contains a Million Times More Squalene Than Anthrax Vaccine….”
H1N1 Vaccine Contains a Million Times More Squalene Than Anthrax Vaccine Responsible for Gulf War Syndrom! | - The Truth is Hidden in Plain View...
“$1000 Per Day Fine And 30 Days In Jail For Refusing Vaccine”
$1000 Per Day Fine And 30 Days In Jail For Refusing The Swine Flu Vaccine In Massachusetts? | Bird Flu Pandemic

For the love of god shut the FUck up. There not going to be any ****ing biblical end. Are own stupid asses are going to get us killed just like they have at every other instance in history. Enough with your stupid swine flu conspiracy, its a god damned flu, we have had it before and we will get it again. And yes people are getting it, hell the college next to mine has 34 cases already.

And mainly to your 1000 dollar a day fine for refusing vaccines during a health emergency... Your an idiot if you disagree with it. Say there is some real health emergency with a easily transmitted disease (with how the worlds looking this doesnt seem so far fetched anymore) and some guy refuses to take the vaccine therefore getting more people sick. I mean if you live near a populated area and refuse this...just gtfo.
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Last edited by Dr_Rez; 09-11-2009 at 05:24 PM.
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