^ You're right I was being lazy, and I'm still going to be lazy and just explain my top 5.
5.Leftover Crack
No one near as good as Choking Victim, but a lot more powerful. So powerful and passioonate at times they hav ebeen banned from playing most places in New York. I feel like they brought something new to the table, with crust punk, ska-core and some Oi!
4.Choking Victim
with 500 channels having one of the catchiest chorus' of all timeChoking Victim comes in at number 4. I haven't met many who think Leftover Crack is better despite choking victim only having one album.
3.Black Flag
What can I say, It's Black Flag, one of the earliest. Went through many line up changes and unlike other bands (who go through lots of line up changes) they continued to make great music and essentially that is what it comes down to.
2.Circle Jerks
Circle Jerks are legends, also being one of the earliest punk bands and contributing so much to the scene going on in the early 80's. Keith Morris was even in Black Flag for a short time.
1. Operation Ivy
Truly Punks with a purpose. They really changed me, especially how I look at life and such. After listening to Take Warning and really reading into the lyrics, it really made me think about how stupid it is that in society a consequence would be causing physical pain to someone. Don't get me wrong, I understand it is neccasary in some situations but I don't know what else to say to explain this. Hopefully you understand and don't look at me as some pacifest. Anyway, these guys probably had the most powerful lyrics ever and if you listen to there song "Vulnerability" you can here how passionate they were and that relentless guitar playing.
( I know I switched up the last two)
(Edit **** I forgot Minor Threat)