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Old 09-11-2009, 04:28 PM   #130 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2008
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Originally Posted by Classof75 View Post
You are right. I guess what I look for mostly in a music forum is to gain some
knowledge and information, rather than personal opinions or sniping. There are
some good personalitys here, but I find some posts a little "low brow".
Well how presumptuous of you.

kayleigh: I've noticed you posting a lot and so far I like your style.

TumorAttitude: Somebody I used to like but am having trouble with since discovering their lack of respect for a certain comedy hero of mine.

LoathsomePete: Congratiulations on the modding! It was an excellent choice to be sure of!

AwwSugar: You are always funny in the lounge. I don't really know anything about you though. That's probably my fault, since I've been away and haven't had the chance to get into any music discussions as of late.

BTown787: I like that you like Nirvana. That's an important thing for me. You also showed me a great Nirvana bootleg site. We should talk music sometime, find out a bit about eachother's taste.

Lateralus: Respect to you. You are always polite and your charts are filled with great music.

Terrible Lizard: Slightly abrupt but always fun.
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