Originally Posted by toretorden
^You could easily argue that you are no longer listening to the albums though. You're listening to collections of songs. If you buy an album on the strength of some songs, you're not spending money to get the album, you're spending money to get a collection of songs extracted from that product.
Sure. You can phrase it any way you want. I don't consider there to be anything sacred about "the album."

I'm buying songs from artists. These days, they come packaged as albums. At times in the past, the dominant form of music purchase was singles, not albums. In the future, it may well be individual songs bought over the net. It's really not that important to me how music acquisition is organized.
You should still base an overall opinion of an album on all it's tracks, I think - even if you only ever listen to half of them.
I don't disagree with that. But "how good an album is" isn't a key issue to me. If an artist has released 50 of my favourite songs, but none of their "albums" are classics to me, I'd still consider that a great artist...an artist that has given me a lot of musical pleasure.