Originally Posted by Minstrel
If it only has 3 good songs, I doubt I'd call it a good album. But if it's a choice (for the same price) between:
Album A: 10 songs, all of them good
Album B: 15 songs, 12 of them good
I'd take album B. Sure, it may be "too long" and have some stuff I'm not wild about...but I'm 2 good songs richer, as far as I'm concerned.
Basically, I'm okay with an artist putting more on, even if the "extra" is mostly not that good. Whatever IS good, I benefit from. Whatever isn't, I can ignore in future.
For me it depends a lot on what the format is. Having some crappy songs in the mix on an album I have as MP3s isn't that big a deal but on vinyl it becomes a totally different story and I would absolutely go with album A in your example. I guess because I grew up in the vinyl and cassette era have a lot of holdover feelings that filler really does detract from my listening experience quite a bit.