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Old 09-11-2009, 07:35 AM   #37 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by Minstrel View Post
It's not about never doing so, or always doing so. I actually like to listen to full albums most of the time. But I can also enjoy extracting the best songs from certain albums, tossing them together in a playlist and hitting random play. From that "mix" perspective, getting more good songs is good, even if they come with more bad songs and make the overall album too long. IMO, anyway.
But if you only include a few good songs from an album into your playlist and say that's a good album because it's got 3 good tracks, then you obviously have little basis for that statement.

Did that make sense? What I'm saying is if you only like 5 songs from a double-album that has 30, of course you may get a feeling of overall positiveness from that album. You focus on what you like and why spend time on the rest? But I still think that if you review an album, you should base your final opinion on all the songs and not just the ones you like. Otherwise, what you're reviewing are really just a few songs, not an album.

I use the word review but what I really mean is whenever you wanna make up your mind about the whole thing. Some people don't care about the whole thing which is fine of course .. though they're missing out a bit I think. And when they state opinions on albums, they have a strong bias towards describing a smaller part of the album which is of course a weakness.
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