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Old 09-11-2009, 06:14 AM   #55 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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The vaccine has zero controversiality factor here. Drugs, even when rushed, are tested. The government is not trying to kill us and yes, with any medication there could be side-effects so there is a risk-factor if ever so slight. All this knowledge is honestly too common to debate .. Until you litter it with paranoid misinformation and delusions which seems to be a hobby with some people.

But we could discuss the paranoia scenario of course. If I was an evil government and I wanted to kill lots of people living in my own country, I wouldn't have gone for a killing method which :
  • Would kill those who are of most benefit to society - a good measure of that is by income - so people who make money and likely generates income for our nation. To point out the problem in that scenario - if you're going to sell the poison for a lot of money, it would only kill those who felt they could afford it.
  • Killed people somewhat randomly - which is what you could get if the poison was free and it was up to each and everyone.

I would rather kill the freeloaders and those who most likely were a burden to society.

Although in truth, I'm less evil government and more socialist like.
Something Completely Different
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