Hahaha I so didn't even list this stuff, it's quite funny reading through it. Enjoy people.
100. Do karaoke infront of lot's of people, especially people you know!
99.Win the lottery(twice)..nah five times!
98. shoot justin timberlake....twice.....one in the face, one in the nuts.
97. Marry my lovely fiancé
96. slam my head against the desk..
95. Drive route 66
94. Drive an F40 on the Autobahn
93. Fly an F14 into an F40 on the autobahn
92. Tell your boss to get ****ed.
91. f*ck your boss
90. Sail around the world.
89. Skydiving. Do it.
88. smash a beer bottle over james hettfields head.
87. Strip for someone.
86. White Water Rafting
85. purple water rafting
84. Put clothes back on for someone
83. Press stop on recording entry for Worst Home Videos.
82. super glue merkaba and cheesemans mouths shut
81. Then ask them if they are homosexual, and if they don't say no then they are...together!
80. Realise you really are a homosexual and sulk out of the thread.
79. Write an autobiography.
78.Kill Sharon Osbourne
77. Repent for all the killing.
76. gunshot to the head...
75 is to tell Mr T that you pity the foo that doesnt dial 1-800-collect.
74. Make it onto an episode of the Simpsons
73. Create a fantabulous new flavour of ice cream and get both rich and fat in one
72. go to ireland or england, go to a pub and have a pint of beer..
71. Eat french fries in France
70.throw a few oranges at britney spears ..then yell poops i did it again
69. Jam with Geddly lee, neil peart, alex, and O yes maybe Michael Romeo
68. Talk in a different accent for a whole day!
67. bake a batch of (nice) scones
66. Be the pope.
65. live for one day in eddie murphy's body.
64. jump into a pool off a tall building
63. topple a multi-storey building (legally)
62. build your own fortress in its place.
61. Impeach Bush!
60. shoot 'im in the head
59. spend the summer on lake Como in Italy
58. Learn how to play Trombone, because Trombones rule.
57. see franz ferdinand, the rakes and the arctic monkeys play back to back
56. Screw Natalie Portman, who knows.... It could happen
55. Own a real, working lightsaber.
54. Play guitar till your fingers bleed... like actually bleed...
53. get the world record for the most orgasms in one hour
52. learn every single language that is spoken....anywhere..
51. hit every club,bar and"bakery" in amsterdam in a single week
50. Star in a porno movie, even if it's only between you and your partner!
49. trip on acid, coke, opium, meth, meryjuana, um and a some other illigal and persciption drugs at the same time, although that would be the last thing i do befor i die because i'm thinking this will kill me.
48. Not trip on acid, opium, dope, and other illegal drugs
47. go to the most beautiful beach in the world.
46. learn to play the bass
45. heliski in alaska, france, and Switzerland
44. Drink a glass of raw eggs.
43. create your own language.
42. Ride on a rollercoaster naked.
41. Watch Vanilla ride on a rollercoaster naked.
40. almost die
39. go to any place in the world where you can see the most beautiful sunset/sunrise ever.
38. see the grand canyon, stoned.....
37. bungee jump... off of a mountain
36. Drive for one week straight with a friend. Only stopping for bathroom breaks.
35. fight off 35 angry midgets
34. spend an evening with both robin williams and billy connolly!
33. drink So Much Coffee That Time Will Slow Down
32. go into space with a girl and a bunch of other crap.
31. gather up the nazis and give them plastic surgery to look jewish --that would show them... lmmfao
30. parachute out a plane while having sex with a porn star
29. **** a co worker (she hot) in the back of the building
28. skate with eric koston
27. watch 70 midgets fight a lion
26. main event wrestlemania
25. Get busted by the CIA for being a terrorist
24. amuse myself for a couple hours by convincing some noobz that the FBI are about to bust them for viewing illegal terrorist websites through pictures of their superintendant, a few fake emails, and some mumbo jumbo about IP addresses...ooh, ooh.........
23. Get OWN3ED by the meanest BASTARD on earth
22. Jerk off to the image of every hot chick i can think of, which is about as close to having sex with a whole bunch of women as you can get...Especialy if you dont want to get some kind of desease.
21. watch all 10 seasons of friends
20. Watch your entire movie collection, non stop, one after the other.
19. Learn how to live in the bush to survive
18. Become a champion at something
17. Go to an NBA Finals Game (detroit playing hopefully)
16. Fly a plane.
15. See the Titanic (not the movie, it was pud)
14. Hot air balloon yourself around the world
13. make my own ski movie
12. Star in ski movie as sexy ski instructor!
11. Star in a porn movie.
10. Open a line of clothing/accessories/perfume!
9. Tour with a band
8. Make a home brew world famous!
7. Make the name Cheeseman world famous....(in New Zealand)
6. walk across the great wall of China.
5. walk across abbey road
4. Eat custard squares only for a week
3. go skarachuting: you ski off a big mother f*cking cliff (400+ feet) with a parachute on and fun times ensue
2. Record a lovesong.
1. Make a 100 things to do before you die post
"Elph is truly an enfant terrible of the forum, bless and curse him" - Marie, Queen of Thots