Music Banter - View Single Post - The Microphones/ Mount Eerie
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Old 09-10-2009, 06:03 PM   #9 (permalink)
young gun funyun
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Join Date: May 2009
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Posts: 166

I was wondering when someone was going to make a Mount Erie thread. Pitchfork worships them almost as much as TV on the Radio. The only difference is that I don't like TVOTR and I do like Mount Erie. You guys have checked out Wind's Poem yet? How is it?

btw, Zero1986, how did you fix the youtube videos?
It only takes one jerk to prove any hypothesis absolutely false. Like, have you ever heard the rumor that you can drop cash on the street in Tokyo and the people are so honest that someone will find it, pick it up, and take it to the cops? Well, that's absolutely 100% not true, because I once found a plain envelope on the ground with "6,000 yen" written on it. Inside was 6,000 yen. I put it in my pocket and kept walking.
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