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Old 09-10-2009, 12:30 AM   #3 (permalink)
Al Dente
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To make my final statement, if you didn't already know, we are at the end of times. We have entered the time of revelation in reference to biblical prophecy. Please consider what I have to say. We are coming to the end, and it will not be pretty. There is not going to be that lovely and quite novel idea of the entire earth being destroyed by a giant asteroid and earth blown to bits. These are lies feed to us so that we suspect the end as something coming from a distant in outer space rather than by the mind and hands of man. There will not be some wham-bam destruction of the earth at a single, anonymous moment. That is much too simple and "painless". We will endure much pain and suffering in these final days. Many will go blindly into this path as they have been corrupted, controlled, and conditioned through the lies and deception of the government, the media, and the entertainment industry. I am referring exclusively to the USA but the world has been deceived and manipulated. EVERYONE MUST WAKE UP! We've been asleep for too long and unfortunately most people will not realize what has happed until it is too late, however it is already too late.
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