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Old 09-05-2009, 03:07 PM   #2691 (permalink)
Blue Bleezin' Blind Drunk
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: The land of the largest wine glass (aka Lebanon)
Posts: 2,200

1. What's the strangest thing that's ever happened to you?
Sleep paralysis. It seems the kind I felt is called "hag-ridden". [ The hag visits the dreamer in her nonphysical form and sits on the dreamer's chest causing feelings of terror, suffocation, and paralysis.] Nice experience tho, freaky

2. Your most embarrassing moment...
My first day at my university: being late 3 consecutive times on 3 consecutive courses [The only courses that day, not the best first impression]

3. What never fails to make you cry?
Being accused of something I'm innocent of. Or feeling powerless against some accusations.
It brings up the bad kind of crying: you just feel that yours eyes are burning, and your throat becomes sore, plus your mouth seems to be pulling downwards .... And you know that if you say ANY word, you're gonna burst into tears.

4. What's your favorite getaway spot?
Being in my bed, in the dark ... I kinda lose all my senses or any sense of the real world.

5. What was the last thing you ever got grounded for?
Never got grounded. I'm the youngest, and bringing almost straight As, they may have spoiled me for that. Even cutting class was an option. [I remember only going to school only 2-3 days/week, as long as I keep getting the grades]

6. Has a rumour ever been spread about you?
Don't know ... but i doubt it.
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