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Thread: Kings of Leon
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Old 09-02-2009, 01:34 PM   #173 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jacklovezhimself View Post
I saw them live at Lollapalooza at the beginning of the month and they were good, but too good. I have really lost touch with this band especially considering how unclean and unique they used to be. At one point in the show the lead singer said something like, "A lot of you have lost confidence in us, but who cares, were having the time of our lives right?" At that point I looked around in the crowd and noticed that I was a lonely kid watching a band I was trying with all my might to still love, but cringed at every "Only By The Night" song they played. The majority of the crowd were drunk frat boys. I'm disappointed with KOL and I fear they will never be the same again.

Hey, it happens.
O.O! WHAT! Are you serious?!
Wow... I'm sadden by this news.

I really do like all their music and Only By The Night album goes so far.
Not a real fan of the first album but the "Aha Shake Heartbreak" album was decent and my favs are "Because of the Times" and Only By The Night".

Outta all their songs - Closer... epic win. That song, no matter what mood I'm in just puts me in the best state of mind. It's amazing.
Stranded in this spooky town,
Stoplights are swaying and the phone lines are down
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