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Thread: Alan Watts
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Old 08-28-2009, 01:23 PM   #9 (permalink)
cardboard adolescent
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
My point wasn't to refute your point. My point was what I observe from people (no one specific at MB) that they believe the Medieval Ages were a break in continuity between the ancient world and the modern world (with it scientific and techonlogical advancements.) They believe science is the answer to life and point back to the ancient world, and marvel at there technological developements (sometime they mention the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.)
sure. most people also refuse to recognize the continuity between alchemy and modern science. a lot of people also adopt a lot of ideas that don't come from the bible but instead from biblical interpreters without taking the time to go and read all of the bible or st augustine. my personal belief is that without spirituality humanity gets lost and self-destructive, but also that most religions are historico-situational interpretations of the same spirituality, and hence should be updated as mankind finds itself in new situations.
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