Today was uneventful.
Actually, I got pretty annoyed today... There's this late-20-something year old guy in my VB programming class who looks like he might have been a Marine who got injured in Iraq. The haircut is very marine, he's got scars on his head, and walks with a cane.
That's all well and good, but I don't appreciate his retarded interruptions during lecture to state the obvious in a different way.
He keeps stopping our professor, who has a doctorate and knows what he's doing, to vocalize, in his own terms, what the professor just said.
For example:
Professor: "Visual Basic code programming is very similar to C++ programming *INTERRUPTION*
Retarded Marine: "So that means they're pretty much the same."
Professor: "In a sense, yes... moving onwa..*INTERRUPTION*
"So it's sorta like when you know how to drive a Honda stick shift and then you try to drive a Ford stick shift then."
Honestly, this guy is killing me. He's causing the professor to stop moving forward in a lecture in order to tend to this one jackass.
I've pretty much made it a point that when the dumb Marine interrupts, I just walk out the class and go smoke a cigarette. By the time I get back, it's finally moving forward again.