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Thread: Gallows
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Old 08-24-2009, 05:33 AM   #21 (permalink)
Melancholia Eternally
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I haven't heard their new one and as it's been said already Staring at the Rude Bois was dreadful but I really liked their debut album.

I had heard one or two tracks initially and wasn't THAT bothered but thought I would watch them at a festival I was going to if they didnt clash with anyone I really wanted to see. I thought they at least looked that they would deliver a pretty crazy show.

Well, they delivered a crazy show alright which made quite an impression on me and they ended up being a true highlight of my weekend. The singer was punching himself in the face, smashing mic stands off the floor and at the end of the set completely destroyed the drum set and stood ontop of the rubble to salute the audience. In a very professional move he also took the time to thank the crowd and then thew his mic over his shoulder and the band applauded the audience. They seemed a really crazy bunch of lads wanting to have fun but also very down to earth at the same time and appreciative of their exposure. They came across as a normal bunch of lads that were almost embarrassed to be playing Download festival and for the size of the crowd that turned out to see them. They had only had one or two singles at this point and were a reasonably small band.

Oh yeah, and the music was pretty good too!

Last.FM | Echoes and Dust

Last edited by Mojo; 08-24-2009 at 05:40 AM.
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