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Old 08-12-2009, 05:57 PM   #461 (permalink)
million dollar basher
Music Addict
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Posts: 184

Originally Posted by trace87 View Post
Lonesome Crowded West > This Is A Long Drive For Someone With Nothing To Think About > The Moon & Antarctica > Building Nothing Out Of Something > the rest
I don't see "Good News for People Who Love Bad News" anywhere on that list, sir. I know that it's regarded by the hipsters as the album that marked Brock's first real inclination toward commercialism, but I feel like it was their best album to date. As far as production value, the album had an unprecedented cleanliness about it, but it still retained some of that good ol' MM dissonance. Beatiful, but dark and booding at times. We were introduced to a different side of the band and the creative forces that drive it, and I hear people write it off all the time for no other reason than it wasn't the same as their older material. It showed growth.

I'm not discrediting the older stuff. I mean, "Lonesome Crowded West", and "Build Nothing out of Something" are definitely favorites of mine. And I can't listen to "This is a Long Drive" without finding myself mulling over different life events. But "Good News" really found MM at the top of their game.

In my humble opinion.
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