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Old 08-11-2009, 01:15 AM   #42 (permalink)
Blue Bleezin' Blind Drunk
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: The land of the largest wine glass (aka Lebanon)
Posts: 2,200

i didn't feel it was about the absurdity of the idea of equality ... it was the starting point of course ... but it was more of the fatality of any oppressing mentality once it starts working ...

but the dark humor was obvious in this neutral reaction by the two protagonists at the end.

When we feel that there's a chance at last, that at least someone will think of continuing the revolution after the barbaric death of the emperor and the empress. Then the idea is simply forgotten and like nothing ever happened.

I felt like reading a really simplistic play by Sartre. Anyone who ever read a play by Sartre, about revolutionists specially, it always takes you through 100 pages feeling that there's hope for the revolution and that everything is going to change. That even if they're going to die the next day [which is usually the case] that the flame of revolution will carry on. and then the next page, the last page, the guards kill the heros without anyone knowing about them.

Not even they're death could help with carrying the idea of this revolution, and that is what i felt here, but it was really light, maybe because of the shortness of the story.
All in all, it was a good read ... count me in for the next one.
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