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Old 08-09-2009, 12:37 AM   #2402 (permalink)
Special K
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 198

1. What is your stance on wearing socks during sex?
I have done it before but I think its lame

2. Which MB member do you dislike the most, and why?
Im an easy goin guy, although very opinionated, Im gonna go with a noob named Catalyst simply because hes a noob spoutin off about rediculous **** and in a couple posts hes already made a name for him/herself that probably wont be easy to take back.

3. What's the strangest thing to ever happen to you?
When i was younger I had many incounters with ghosts and it was very frightening and definetly the strangest thing that has ever happened to me.

4. In case of a zombie outbreak, where would you hole up, and why?
I wouldnt hole up I would straight smash those MFs over the dome with the louisville and kick some serious ass, Im not afraid of much.

5. You're about to be executed. What's your last meal request?
Steak, baked potato, pan fried garlic beans, and a beer.

6. What is your favorite game from childhood?
Mega Man
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