Originally Posted by bungalow
That movie is directed by Michael Bay...
It also has Ewan Mcgregor so it's good by default.

This other movie beside being largely inaccurate is also complete crap. I can only imagine the pitch for this movie to be made. 'I've got an idea let's make a movie about 2 junkie losers one of which was a no talent loser in the Sex Pistols and the other who was just a witch who happened to be his girlfriend.' 'Brilliant!', said the movie executive, I guess we should get some people so we can get the facts and such.' 'Oh I've got Joe Strummer's number!' remarked the film maker, 'Great let's cook this movie up!' said the excutive. I have many complaints about this movie. One of which is why was Paul Cook so fat? They couldn't get that actor away from the donuts during filming or what? But the biggest is Nancy. She is by far the most annoying character ever to sleeze up the screen. Her nasally whine of a voice is like pin needles to the ear. It's a surprise Sid didn't kill her sooner, I'm not one for violence against women but in one scene Sid slaps Nancy across the face and I stood up and applauded. I can understand why he used heroin I think I would to if she was my girlfriend. Another 'memorable' scene in the movie Sid and Nancy are seen making out against a dumpster while trash falls all around them. I thought what a great visual metaphor for what this movie is, trash around a trash love. During the scene where the sex pistols play their last show John Lydon remarks 'ever get the feeling youve been cheated?' I thought yeh John Ive been cheated out over an hour of my life watching this crap. Sid & Nancy is a cheap movie glamorizing living fast and dying young & 2 loser with a drug problem. F
uck Sid Vicious, F
uck Nancy, F
uck this movie. The should of just made a movie about the Pistols.