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Old 08-07-2009, 08:32 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Atlanta
Posts: 5

sure, sure... ok well I am a resident Atalien that spends an abnormal amount of time doing what could only be described as nothing. Currently living off of the United States gov. seeing as how I spent four years trying to convince them I was not mentally well enough to hold down jobs... = ) IT WORKED!!! So now at the age of 26, the gov. deems me worthy of their crazy stature. Currently my Chinese Crested Powder puff puppy Pearl Rose is the only woman for me. Art and music though are my true passions, well I mean aside from doing nothing. I have spent many years toiling with my abilities to play the piano, and I feel it has payed off. I currently use the Korg M-50 as my main instrument, seeing as it is quite a lot of bang for the buck... I suppose. Although I do tend to play around with music software a lot, and do see its advantages, I still will never be able to let go of live instruments. Anyways, that is about it. HEY
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