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Old 08-02-2009, 01:29 PM   #9 (permalink)
Inuzuka Skysword
Existential Egoist
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Religion can become a government.
If that is what you mean to say, then I could throw in any irrational movement, such as humanitarianism, and call it a government.

Again, I don't even know what the argument you're making here is, you're stating the obvious, just in a way that's harder to understand because your way of phrasing things is incredibly confusing.
You act as if the government we live under will always be right. Even if it went by popular opinion, like a democracy should, we could still be in the wrong. My point is that you are so cynical of business and religion, but when it comes to our government you look at it as if it will always be doing the right thing.

So you admit he wants to go backwards instead of coming up with any progressive ideas.
Yes. I don't think Ron Paul is a great guy. I just think he is a better alternative than anyone right now. I don't like his religious tendencies or his subjective morality-libertarian views, but his political and economic philosophy is credible for the most part.

If you call getting in debt progressive, then Ron Paul is definitely your enemy. I never understood why that group of political ideas is called "Progressivism," when the heart of it is out to destroy the mind. I mean, when you tell someone to neglect themselves, you can expect to go backwards.

Try rephrasing this entire post, this time in a way that actually makes some damn sense.

I'm sorry if I believe a government is actually supposed to have a function, one that doesn't just include the protection of peoples rights, but even some forms of community service.
To put it in a basic form, your politics are based on no philosophy. You accept the fact that we are to live for others. You look down upon people who are selfish, greedy, and stingy. Why is it wrong, though? On what basis can you accuse someone for being evil when they are selfish?

Also, the idea that having the government run some areas of business is preposterous. What establishes the price for the government's work? Things like socialized health care are what I am mainly talking about because The doctors will not be able to gain more pay through competition. The doctor should be able to choose how much he wants to work for. If the government allowed him to do this, he could just rob the government of money because they would have to pay them. So the government will have to establish a price. How are they to find the right price? What is the right price? Is there an objective price for work, or is the value of work based on supply and demand?
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