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Old 08-01-2009, 02:34 AM   #1 (permalink)
Scarlett O'Hara
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Originally Posted by Crowe View Post
I am not Ethan. I am Crowe. You are thinking of Crowquill, who is now sleepy jack. Why in the hell would I be addressing mental disorders in my answer to that question? It is understood that there are certain variables in any answer that I shouldn't have to address. Mental disorders are one of those variables. Why didn't you bring up agoraphobia or commitmentphobia (yes, this is a real term) when someone asked me about finding love? Why didn't you address narcissistic personality disorder, subjective moral relativity or any of the Cluster B personality disorders when it came to Big3's question?

Similarly, if someone asked me a question about my ethical and moral stance regarding farting in a crowded elevator, do you think that I would sit and talk about how "OK" it is for people to do this if they couldn't help it? Of course not, because it's UNDERSTOOD (or should be) that I don't have to address biological exceptions to every question asked to me. Depression is a biological exception.

Thank you for the lecture on depression. Good day.
My bad, the user names change all over the place and its hard to keep up.

You seriously need to chill out. And it is a huge factor. Finding love and farting in an elevator are in completely different relms to suicide. I liked your other 'doctor' answers but not this one.
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