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Old 07-31-2009, 11:45 AM   #5 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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Originally Posted by dreadnaught View Post
I dont really have any beefs with Bazooka Tooth, it just sort of lacks for me compared to his other albums.

I tried playing None Shall Pass for a group of kids who listen to the Three 6 collective pretty much exclusively, save the new Em album. They couldn’t get into it at all, apparently it's "just talking with some drumming in the background." My head almost exploded when I heard that.
I tried doing that as well but with Blackalicious and got the same response. That's when I realized that the people had never listened to anything of that nature and were basically raised on top 40's radio hip hop. From there I made a mix CD for the car of Immortal Technique, Ill Bill, and Hochii which all have that similar "hard" sound and feeling that you find with mainstream rap and the people I was taxiing around really enjoyed it. That's just one example, but I think for some people they need to be eased into the indie stuff because it's such a rapid departure from what they're use to hearing. Or of course they just really didn't like Aesop Rock.
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