Originally Posted by dreadnaught
Just as terrible as I thought it would be, but still better than the Friday the 13th remake.
Oh come on, if you take the movie for what it is (a cheesy gore fest) its real nice. It's not like the people who made it thought there were going to be any Oscar nominations coming out of it. It's a nice film to make fun of and enjoy with your friends on a Saturday night.

A pretty decent werewolf film. Special effects ie werewolf transformation are good for their time, but take to long. I mean in the time that it takes for one of the people to transform you could run away to safety and write a novel about the pleasures of French Cheese. But of course no one has any sense to run away but stand there with and gawk at their doom with a mouth to the floor. But then I guess I dont want these people to get away because I hated all the characters. The main one was especially whiny and had a knack for sleeping, she slept more than she acted and her husband looked like a porn star, which is why she must of loved being in bed. ZING! Anyway pretty good werewolf film but Ive seen better, needed more gore and less sleeping.