I've been listening to alot of new stuff lately, a few bands I've recently been getting into an new albums by old favorites... with a few personal "classics" for good measure...
Wait for Me - Moby: Really mellow, but elegaic, ethereal souning.... like it or not, this is what this guy does best, and he uses it to full effect on this, his first non big labelrelease. I hope there's more to come, because this is great.
Untitled # 23 - The Church: I have loved every release by these guys, my favorite band, pretty much of all time... but this one takes it up yet another notch, the melodies are outstanding, the lyrics introspective, curious and just powerfully evocative... its like entering some amazing bewildering dreamscape that by the end of the disc you just don't wanna leave...
Ki - Devin Townsend: This has gotta be the least Heavy album he has made, but it doesn't suffer for it all, this is right up there with his best, Terria, easily... it first struck me how much more groove this has than his previous work, then I found out he worked with a blues / Jazz drummer for the first time on this album and you can hear it. But there isn't a dud track on this disc, thats for sure.
Swoon / Carnavas - Silversun Pickups: MY "new" discovery band this year... these guys make the sorta dreamy guitar soundscapes that made me love the Smashing Pumpkins, that drew me to the Church and that generally make me a happy music listener.... I am looking forward to seeing how their career unfolds...
Because of the Times / Only by the Night - Kings of Leon: I use to really hate these guys, but man, they got to me... Because of the Times is a great balls out rock album. Only by the Night is more like the Sunday morning after in alot of ways, but no lesswonderful to listen to...
Other current regular listens...
Narrow Stairs - Death Cab for Cutie
Kingdom of Rust - Doves
Sounds of the Universe - Depeche Mode
Watch Me Disappear - Augie March
Succumb - David Bridie
Anthems for the Damned - Filter
Favorites thrown in for goo measure / because we all love familiarity...
The Color and the Shape - Foo Fighters
October Rust - Type O Negative
Physicist - Devin Townsend
18 - Moby
Accelerate / Monster - R.E.M
"If you're like me, then it's possible you're a clone generated from my stolen DNA. I suggest you turn yourself in for destruction immediately" - Shaun Micallef.