Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
But that's assuming that you believe the bible is divinely accurate.
If you don't believe that, you can't use that as a counter-argument, even though religious folks (in that scenario) contradict themselves with it.
If you do, you're being as factually based as they are. But assuming that you don't, then there's no real argument here. It's just another statement against the validity of faith.
I believe that the Bible is divinely accurate, yes. And I don't believe in all this one road to God garbage they try and pull as an excuse for their ignorance. I'd rather hear somebody say "I don't know" than "God works in mysterious ways".
So I guess what I'm trying to say is I can understand why so many people don't believe in divine accuracy in the Bible, I mean how could something that God directed become so diluted with opinions? People would rather hold to traditions and make their own rules rather than doing some damn research. Rambling now.